Promote your university or college to over 3,000 registered ISE test centres worldwide by joining the ISE recognition list below.
We regularly promote our ISE recognition lists to test centres internationally, potentially increasing your institution's exposure to hundreds of thousands of Trinity English language test candidates across 60+ countries.
This guides outlines the reasons why Trinity's Integrated Skills in English (ISE) qualification is ideal for the purposes of academic study, together with details of the exam format, proficiency levels and where ISE is recognised around the world.
For help setting your Institution's ISE criteria, the chart below shows how Trinity ISE, TOEFL iBT and IELTS each align to CEFR levels.
Understanding ISE results also includes an overview of ISE results.
Understanding Trinity certificates
You can also view the UK Home Office Tier 4 (General) student visa requirements.
Trinity ISE is a Secure English Language Test (SELT) when taken at a Trinity SELT centre in the UK.
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