Digital Grade and Diploma candidates with special needs and disabilities (Speech and Drama)

Candidates with special needs and disabilities (Drama)

Trinity is committed to creating an inclusive environment where candidates with special educational needs, disabilities and health conditions are able to demonstrate their skills and feel welcomed.

The types of adjustments available have been adapted to reflect the format of the Digital Grades and Diplomas. We aim to replicate the supportive, guided environment of a live exam by allowing extra time between items, so that candidates have an opportunity to compose and settle themselves between performance pieces, Reflection Tasks and Supporting Tests. 

Candidates who qualify for extra time may extend the overall recording time by up to 5 minutes, and Examiners will assess from just a few seconds before the start, to just after the end of each piece, song, or section of the exam. 

During the additional time allowed, candidates may choose to move out of shot or away from the camera, or have the camera turned away from them. Whilst this additional time may be used to eg adjust position, this should not extend to any substantial practice or preparation of the next item.

It is important that the video recording is continuous from the beginning to the end of the exam and is not paused or stopped in between items. This is a requirement which enables effective and robust application of the assessment criteria against the regulated learning outcomes and ensures fairness for all candidates.

In addition, candidates who qualify for extended time may also receive the following assistance from an adult or carer if needed:

  • Support for the Reflection Task – a teacher/care-giver can read out the questions for the candidate to respond to at Grades 4-8
  • Prompting to facilitate the flow of a performance piece (the marks awarded will though still reflect the candidate’s level of accuracy and ability to sustain their performance)
  • The adult/carer can inform the candidate that they can take a short break, or move away from the camera, and recall them when it is time for them to begin the next item. A reminder of the next item to be performed may be given. 

Candidates who require any adjustments to their digital assessment, or simply wish to make the examiner aware of a disability or health condition, must complete a special needs request form, and return it to their local Trinity Representative, or, at time of enrolment (before uploading the performance onto Trinity’s Submission Platform).

Download special needs provision form - Digital Grades Diplomas only


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