Champion centres

Trinity Champion Centres inspire existing and potential centres by sharing their practice and advocating for our qualifications in their communities and more widely. In return, we celebrate achievements, profile their success and promote their work as part of our support offer to teachers and centres.

Champion Centres are recognised by Trinity for their successful delivery of our qualifications. For more information email 


The next opportunity to apply to become a Trinity Champion Centre for 2025-2026 will be in March 2025. Please check back for more details.

Quotes from some of our Champion Centres

"At Malvern St James we have been delivering the Arts Awards since their inception over 15 years ago, and each time have been stunned and inspired by the creativity, enthusiasm and skills of the young people involved. We are immensely proud to have been awarded the Trinity Champion status, for doing something that we love to do. Becoming a Trinity Champion recognises our commitment as a school to the Arts and enables us to share our passion and experience with other settings and our community. What a privilege!"
Juliet Fisher, Head of Expressive Arts, Malvern St James Girls' School

"Cornwall Theatre school is thrilled to be recognised as a Trinity Champion Centre. We've taught the Musical Theatre and Performing Arts solo and group syllabus for the past 8 years, with great results. My teachers and students absolutely love working on the syllabus and we embrace our roles as South West ambassadors." 
Stephanie Johnson, Principal, Cornwall Theatre School

"City of London School has provided Trinity music exams for over 20 years here - naturally we are delighted to be recognised as a Champion Centre! The exciting, progressive and wide-ranging nature of the material provided by Trinity is something which we feel is particularly important for the support and development of our young musicians. The syllabuses offer the chance to develop musicality, technique, performance skills, and of course personal enjoyment in playing their respective instruments. We feel very proud to have gained our champion status and look forward to continued successes for all of our musicians."
Matt McDonough, Music teacher and Peripatetic Coordinator

Trinity Champion Centres 2024-2025

Our map below shows the current Champion Centres with Arts Award shown in blue and Music/Drama in purple.

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