We are pleased to announce that we will launch a number of new music syllabuses this year, including Piano, Electronic Keyboard and Brass.
A range of new supporting publications will also be released and will be available through music retailers and from our online shop. In addition, new support materials will be available on our online learning platform.
New syllabuses for Piano, Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind, Brass and Singing will be available in July 2014. Each syllabus will include refreshed repertoire lists and technical work.
A new Electronic Keyboard & Organ syllabus for 2015-2018 will be released in September 2014 and will include all new repertoire from Initial to Grade 5.
The current Guitar and Strings syllabuses will be extended for a year and reprinted for 2015, with a full refresh planned for 2016. They will also be available in July.
To be kept up to date with news about syllabuses and publications please register your interest or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
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