Speaking & Listening activities (B2)

Practise speaking and listening activities

Use these resources to help prepare for ISE II (B2) Speaking & Listening exam tasks:

Topic task

Collaborative task

Conversation task

Independent listening task

*May be less suitable for adult SELT candidates

Practice collaborative tasks

Download and practise using sample prompts: 

Additional speaking activities

The following additional classroom activities for speaking are informed by the Trinity Lancaster Corpus research project. Learning from prior Trinity speaking assessment results, these activities focus on practising aspects of speaking that will help students improve their communication skills in all situations.


Practice independent listening activities

Use these audio example resources to help prepare for the Independent listening exam task:

Listening task

Artificial Grass (NEW March 2024)

Challenges of Tourism (NEW March 2024)

Green Tourism (NEW March 2024)

Home education

The psychology of supermarket shopping


New Town Stadium



New Year's resolutions

For further listening practice test examples please visit the Trinity College London Press ebook store:

ISE (paper edition) Listening Tasks

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