How to join

Trinity has created a directory of independent legal advisors who provide immigration advice in the UK as a helpful resource for SELT candidates who may require specialist immigration advice and support with their UK visa application. We are particularly keen to work with organisations who are prepared to offer an initial free appointment, say 15-30 mins, which we would be happy to promote on your listing, along with your logo.

Eligible accredited UK immigration advisors may apply to be listed in the directory.

Why does Trinity provide a Directory of Immigration Advisors?

  • We provide this directory as a way that Trinity can help people to find independent advice about immigration-related issues that are outside of Trinity’s remit
  • Secure English Language Tests (SELTs) are required by UKVI as evidence of English language proficiency for the purpose of obtaining a visa to work, study, or settle in the UK
  • Trinity’s Secure English Language Tests are approved for visa application purposes by the UK Home Office – these are available to book online and take at Trinity SELT Centres in cities across the UK
  • Trinity SELTs test candidates’ English language skills at the specific level required by the Home Office for different types of UKVI applications – so they are easily mapped to UKVI application requirements

Benefits of Directory Listing:

  • You will have a direct link to your organisation's website from your directory listing on the Trinity website
  • You can access Trinity resources and professional support - for example help with queries relating to client questions and bookings, or free-of-charge rescheduling and registration amendments for your clients
  • Licence to use the Trinity Directory of Immigration Advisors logo on your marketing materials and website

Directory Listing Requirements

To be listed in the Trinity Directory you will need to meet certain requirements:

You must be registered/accredited by one of the following:

  • Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
  • Faculty of Advocates in Scotland
  • General Council of the Bar
  • General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland
  • Law Society of England and Wales
  • Law Society of Northern Ireland
  • Law Society of Scotland
  • Registered with the IAA (Immigration Advice Authority)

You must:

  • Be of good repute and behave in a way that is consistent with Trinity’s values
  • Provide evidence of operational experience under a regulatory body exceeding 12 months

Trinity will complete checks to ensure continuing compliance with these requirements.

How to apply

You can apply to be listed on Trinity’s Directory of Immigration Advisors by completing the online application form below.


If you have any questions beforehand, please email or call us on 0333 358 3183.


Why Trinity Secure English Language Tests?

  • Trinity provides Home Office approved Secure English Language Tests (SELTs) across the UK. These tests are approved for applications to UKVI for visas, British Citizenship and Leave to Remain

  • Trinity SELT test availability across the UK 7 days a week

  • Quick and easy online booking system

  • Trinity SELTs exactly map to UKVI requirements:
    • GESE - A1, A2, B1 speaking and listening SELTs
    • ISE - B1, B2, C1 reading, writing, speaking and listening SELT
  • Swift results and fast certificates:
    • GESE certificates usually sent within 7 days
    • ISE certificates usually sent within 21 days

  • Wide university recognition of ISE four skills test:
    • Trinity ISE qualifications recognised by most UK higher education institutions

  • Free learning resources and sample papers are available on our website to help your client prepare for their test

  • Professional ID and registration checking service to give your client peace of mind

  • Secure delivery option available for certificates

  • Customer service representatives are available to support you and your clients, 7 days a week

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