All exams are assessed on the basis of the performance given on the day of the exam, without regard to any external circumstances. If a candidate does not comply with exam regulations as detailed in the appropriate syllabus the performance will be assessed without prejudice by the examiner in order not to jeopardise the performance of other aspects of the exam.
The issue with the performance may be reported directly to Trinity’s London office by the examiner rather than on the candidate’s report form, so that Trinity may be able to exercise a certain amount of discretion as to the validity of the assessment process. Depending on the severity of the infringement, marks may be deducted, or, in extreme cases, the exam may be invalidated.
The outcome of referred exams will be communicated to the Trinity representative for disclosure to the candidate as soon as possible after the matter has been considered by Trinity. To ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, infringements of a similar type are always treated in the same way. Referral decisions are final and marks will not be reinstated.
Please note that if the report is sent to Trinity’s London office the referral process may take up to 6 weeks to complete, depending on the complexity of the issue. The timeframe is taken from the date of receipt of the original report form at Trinity’s London office.
Please see below some examples of syllabus infringements.
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