Speaking and Listening


The information below relates to Trinity’s ESOL Skills for Life in-person speaking and listening exams undertaken at registered exam centres.

It is designed for centre representatives, exam co-ordinators, administrators, supervisors, invigilators, stewards and teachers who would like to find out more about:


Running an exam session

Best practice guidance for centres

The ESOL Skills for Life Centre Best Practice Guidebook provides all the information needed to administer and run Skills for Life and Step 1 and Step 2 exams.

Download the guide


  Arrangements from December 2020

The format and administration of the ESOL Skills for Life exams is in line with the VCRF framework (2020). From December 2020, the adaptations below are applicable to both online and face-to-face exams as appropriate:

Task 1 Visuals (Entry levels 1,2,3 and Level 1)

Candidates will select an appropriate visual prompt from the online bank of photographs provided by Trinity. During the exam, they will inform the examiner which picture they have chosen, and the examiner will display it on the screen. The bank of visual prompts for candidates to prepare is available to view here.

Presentation notes (Level 2)

At Level 2, candidates will use the Trinity template provided below to make a note of the key points of their presentation as bullet points. Just before the exam starts, the candidate (or centre staff) should type or cut and paste the bullet points into the Zoom chat box. Download the template.

Group discussion

Two candidates participate in the Component 2, Group Discussion


Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs)
In the unlikely event of future extensive lockdowns, centres are reminded that evidence of learning that meets the stipulated criteria would be required in any future application of TAGS.

Before the exam, centres should ensure that all candidates are aware of Trinity’s Candidate Identity (ID) Policy.

For all exams, candidates must be made aware of the Notice to Candidates. There is a Notice to Candidates for Speaking and Listening and a Notice to Candidates for Reading and Writing.

Remember to tell candidates:
They cannot bring mobile phones, laptops or other devices into the Speaking and Listening exam room to support Task 1. 

As a registered exam centre, you should ensure that all staff involved in the preparation and conduct of UK ESOL exams are completely familiar with, and ensure your centre complies with, Trinity policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are outlined in the following documents and on our website:


Booking an exam session

Speaking and Listening exams

  • These exams can be booked on an on-demand basis throughout the year
  • Exams must be booked at least 15 working days in advance
  • Exams can be taken face-to-face or online via video conferencing software
  • Bookings should be made through the Trinity Online system

When booking, please specify the date, the level to be taken, and the time of exams. The closing date for entering candidate details is also three weeks before the exam.

Exam fees

Exam fees must be paid in full on or before the closing date. Surcharges will apply for late session bookings and late candidate entries.

Special needs provision

For candidates who require any adjustments to their exam or would simply like to make make the examiner aware of a disability or health condition, please complete the form available on our Special Needs Provision page for English language exams and send it to Trinity at the same time of exam entry, along with appropriate supporting evidence, if required, at least 28 days before the exam. 

Booking re-sits

Once results have been issued re-sits can be booked immediately for the next available session subject to the usual booking notice.

Enquiries about results

See the dedicated section of the website to find out more about Trinity's results review service, re-marks and appeals.

Additional information

For administration and general support for Trinity’s ESOL Skills for Life exams in the UK, please contact your named Trinity coordinator who is your primary point of contact for exam arrangements.

Please also see our frequently asked questions.

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