Music publications and syllabus errata

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Violin Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 6

  • Elgar 'Mot d'amour' (score page 32, part page 16 & recording) bar 3: The violin C sharp on beat 3 should be a B natural (tied from beat 1). Either version will be acceptable in the exam. [amended in the second impression]

Violin Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 7

  • Vivaldi 'Concerto in D minor' (score page 5, part page 3) bar 33: The violin second tripet semiquaver should be an F sharp (not F natural). Either version will be acceptable in the exam. [amended in the second impression]

Violin Scales, Arpeggios & Studies from 2016

  • Page 20, 'Twinkling Tango' bar 6 – F sharps should be F naturals in this bar.

Sight Reading Viola: Grades 3-5

  • Page 27, 'Think Before You Play' - the third answer down should be B and B flat, not F and F sharp

Double Bass Scales, Arpeggios & Studies from 2016

  • Page 24, ‘Spicy Goulash’ – should be in B flat minor (ie 5 flats rather than 6).

Harp Studies & Exercises from 2013

  • Page 41 ‘Cool Dude’: the swing tempo indication incorrectly contained semibreves in the first four print impressions of this book (instead of showing a pair of quavers = crotchet quaver with a triple sign above) [amended in the 5th impression]


Treble Clef Brass Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises

Page 19, Grade 4 – the A major scale and arpeggio should be played from low A to middle A, not an octave above. [amended in second impression, December 2015]

French Horn Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises

  • Page 12, Grade 3 v B flat horn lip flexibility exercise: the B in bar 12 should be a B flat; the F in bar 18 should be an F sharp. [amended in second impression, March 2015]

Trombone Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises

  • Pages 13-14, Grade 3 – the G minor scale and arpeggio should be played in the lower octave, not an octave above. [amended in second impression, May 2015]

Featuring Melody for Treble Brass (published by Brass Wind)

  • Three On Five by Peter Lawrance (Grade 6, list B) should have a metronome mark of crotchet = 140 (not crotchet = 40).


Raise the Bar Drum Kit: Grades 1-2

  • Page 25, 'It's Alive' – bar 17 fourth quaver should be bass drum (bottom stave space) – (not on the second stave line as in the first impression).

Timpani Exam Pieces & Studies from 2007

  • Page 18 (piano part page 28), 'My Homeland' (Faulkner) - the repeat should be omitted in the exam. [amended in the seventh impression]

Drum Kit Exam Pieces & Studies 2020–2023 Grades 6–8

  • Page 33, Grade 7 Exercise No. 3 bar 5 the last three notes should have the sticking of RLL [amended in 2nd impression]
  • Pages 62-64, 'Victory' - Straight and swing rhythms should have been marked. The following markings have been applied to future reprints: ‘Straight’ added to bars 8, 13 (from beat 3) to 14, 28-81. ‘Swing’ has been added to bars 42, 44, 71, 74-75, 81 (last quaver). [amended in 3rd impression]
  • Page 73 bar 79, 'The Lingo' the cymbal should be a crash and not a ride (the audio is correct). [amended in 2nd impression]

[Drum Kit section last updated 16 January 2023]


Grade 6 Pieces & Technical Work 2019-2022

  • Pages 28, 'Samba Nights' – bar 8, last three quavers should be on Trumpet.

Grade 7 Pieces & Technical Work 2019-2022

  • Page 11, 'Violin Concerto in G' – French horns should sound an octave lower than written - this is not noted in the setup box at the top of the page in the 1st impression.
  • Page 11, 'Violin Concerto in G' – bar 18 beat 3 change to WW Section (ie remove Chamber Strings).
  • Page 14, 'Violin Concerto in G' – bar 67 LH beat 2, should be C sharp
  • Page 16, 'Wedding March' – Accompaniment should be set to 'on' at the beginning, so that the 'sync start' causes the rhythm to enter at bar 5 when the first chord is played.
  • Page 16, 'Wedding March' – bar 6 beat 2, the bottom B in the chord should be removed, so that the notes appear the same as in bar 10.
  • Pages 17-18, 'Wedding March' – it is not necessary for candidates to change the accompaniment settings of bars 40-49.Page 17, 'Wedding March'

Grade 8 Pieces & Technical Work 2019-2022

  • Page 24, 'In Dahomey' – setup box, 'Other info' line 8 – 'register key set to 0 for 39 beat 4-41 beat 3 (played up an octave)' – bar number is incorrect in the first impression.
  • Page 29, 'A Night in Tunisia' – setup box, 'Other info' should start 'Fingered on bass chord setting to be used' – the word 'bass' is missing in the first impression.
  • Page 34, 'Riverdance' – setup box should state that Piccolo sounds one octave higher than written.
  • Page 34, 'Riverdance' – setup box, last line – ‘Bars 26-53 RV Octave -1...' – bar number is incorrect in first impression.

Organ Syllabus erata

Grade 5 

  • Grade 5 - Stanford No. 5 from 6 Short Preludes and Postludes, set 1 op. 101 Preludes and Postludes Mayhew 1400361. The printed syllabus is missing 'set 1 op. 101'.


Guitar Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 4

  • Page 4 ‘Gavotte’. A number of fingerings were incorrect in the first impression. Please note however that fingering is only ever a suggestion.
    Bar 0 – first note – string number should be ‘3’ (not ‘2’)
    Bar 1 – first F should be fingered 2 (not 0)
    Bar 10 – final D should be fingered 2 (not 4)
    Bar 11 – first C sharp should be fingered 2 (not 3)
    Bar 14 – the first E should be fingered 4 (not 1).
    Bar 14 – beat 3, the lower two notes can be a dotted crotchet to allow the final D to be more easily played.
    [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 7 ‘Nostalgia: petite mélodie’. The tempo marking should be crotchet = 84-88. Please note that metronome marks are given as a guide only. [amended in the second impression]

Guitar Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 5

  • Page 2 ‘Preludium’ bar 7. The first minim bass note should be a low E (not a G as in the first impression). [amended in the second impression]

Guitar Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 6

  • Page 3 ‘Sarabande’ Bar 10. The position marking should be CVI and not CIV. Bar 29 – quaver A at start of bar should have a sharp sign. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 3 ‘Sarabande’ Bar 30, beat 1: the lowest note of the chord should be F sharp, rather than G [amended in the next impression]
  • Page 10 ‘El viaje’ - Bar 15 should have F sharp as the bass notes throughout this bar

Guitar Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 7

  • Page 8 ‘The Bonnie, Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond’ bar 8 – upper voice final quaver should be a D sharp (not an E as in the first impression).
  • Page 16 ‘Serenade’ bar 25 – the B flat should be a B natural and fingering should be 4 for the B, 3 for the G. Bar 28 – the B flat should be a B natural - fingering unchanged
    [amended in second impression]

Guitar Exam Pieces from 2020 Grade 8

  • ‘The Bucks of Oranmore’
    • Page 12 bar 40 the G note should be an A
    • Page 13 bar 55 the third note (C sharp) should be a D
      [amended in second impression]
  • Page 14 – ‘Oración para todos’ (Coste) – bar 13, there should be a bass open A crotchet on the first beat of the bar [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 22 – Vals venelozano no.3 ‘Natalia’ (Lauro) – the tempo marking should be crotchet=150-160 [amended in second impression]
  • ‘Sérénade’ (Coste) [all amended in second impression]
    • Page 7, bar 32 – the dotted quaver A on beat one should be an F sharp (one line below) 
    • Page 8, bars 50 and 51 – the bass notes should both be open E as in the surrounding bars
    • Page 9, bar 101 – the dotted quaver E on beat one should be a C sharp (one space below)

Guitar & Plectrum Guitar Scales, Arpeggios & Studies Grade 6-8 from 2016

  • Page 35 – the last section (marked mf) is to be played using harmonics for all notes, including the lower strings. This PDF is a clearer representation of what the composer intended.

Raise the Bar Guitar (Book 2) Grades 3-5

  • Page 9 – Russian Bear, bar 34 beat 3 should be a D minor chord (bottom to top: A, D, F) [Corrected in the second impression]
  • Page 17 – Ejercicio, bar 30 beat 1 should be an E minor chord in 2nd inversion
    [amended in second impression]

Raise the Bar Guitar (Book 3) Grades 6-8

  • Page 22 - Barcarola, bar 17, there is a dotted crotchet rest missing for the second half of the bar. Therefore, the open A should be muted. [Corrected in the second impression]

[Guitar section last updated 05 February 2025]


A Recital Anthology – Piano Solo

  • Page 84 – Sonata in F major (Mozart) – bars 186 and 188 RH are incorrect in the first impression. Bars 185-188 should appear as in this PDF. (Bar 186 RH: crotchet B natural slurred to quaver C, then crotchet G and quaver rest. Bar 188 RH: crotchet A flat tied to semiquaver A flat with turn symbol above, semiquaver B flat, crotchet C, quaver rest.)  [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 96 – Sonata in C minor 'Pathétique' (Beethoven) – bar 272, LH 5th note should be G (not B flat as in the first impression)
  • Bar 176 – Deep River (Coleridge-Taylor) – bar 38 LH last chord flat sign should be in front of the E (and not in front of the F) [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 199 – Suite (Bartók) is op. 14 (not op. 32 as in the first impression)
  • Page 23 – Toccata no. 5 in E minor (J S Bach) – the tempo marking should be ‘Allegro’, rather than ‘Adagio’ [amended in the second impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021*: Grade 2

  • Page 8 – Canzonet (Neefe) – bar 11 LH C should have a sharp sign. [amended in the second impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021*: Grade 4

  • Page 28 – Exercise 1a. Sarabande – bar 4 LH should not have lower G on either chord - these should be two-note chords only (crotchet B flat and D natural, minim B flat and D flat) [amended in the second impression]
  • Audio – Calypso (Knowles) – at 0’34’’ the rhythm in the RH on the first beats of bars 19 and 21 has been played incorrectly (swapped around). The score is correct.
  • Calypso (Knowles) - the RH rhythm in bar 24 should be as bar 23. [Corrected in the 3rd impression.]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021*: Grade 5

  • Page 21 – Sports Car (McCabe)bar 4 RH the first two notes should be dotted crotchet – quaver.
  • Page 22 – Sports Car (McCabe) – bar 29 RH chord on beat one should be E-F sharp-A (as in bar 33). [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 23 - Sports Car (McCabe) - bar 43 LH 5th note should be a G
  • Page 25 - Large Wave (Wedgwood) - bar 24-25 the RH C should be tied across the bar. [amended in the second impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021*: Grade 6

  • Pages 11-13 (Standard Edition), 13-15 (Extended Edition) – Finale (Haydn) – bars 20-21, 49-50, 73-74, 90-91 LH upper G should be tied (as in bars 3-4)[amended in the second impression]
  • Page 13 – Finale (Haydn) – bar 89 first quaver should be a C (not E). Either version will be acceptable in the exam. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 16 – Ivan is Very Busy (Khachaturian) – bar 1 all quavers in the left hand should be marked as staccato.
  • Page 18 – Ivan is Very Busy (Khachaturian) – bar 72 last quaver should be a G (not E). Either version will be acceptable in the exam. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 16 & 18 – Ivan is Very Busy (Khachaturian) - Bar 13 pedalling should be from quaver 4 (RH chord) to quaver 7 (LH Bb), and a similar pattern in bar 14 (the same for bars 64 & 65). Bar 15 should be pedalled from quaver 2 (LH F) to quaver 5 (LH Db) [Corrected in impression 4]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021*: Grade 8

  • Page 26 – Feodora (Czerny) – bar 50 RH the first G should be a G natural followed by a G sharp [amended in the third impression]
  • Page 30 – No. 2, Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (Bartók) – bar 51 LH chords should be identical to those in bars 52-54 (first impression had A natural instead of A flat). [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 34 – Andaluza (Granados) – bar 9 LH last quaver should be a D [amended in the second impression (third impression Extended Edition)]
  • Page 38 – Andaluza (Granados) – bar 77 RH second dotted quaver (on 5th quaver beat) should be a C (not A) [amended in the second impression (third impression Extended Edition)]
  • Page 52 – Blue Air (Dring) – bar 35 RH the ♮ sign should apply to the A, not the B. [amended in the third impression (Standard Edition), fourth impression (Extended Edition)]
  • Page 55 – Romance (Sciarra) – bar 25 LH beat 4 second triple quaver should be D (not D) [amended in the second impression (third impression Extended Edition)]
  • Page 56 – Romance (Sciarra) – bar 33 RH beat 4 – the 3rd flourished demisemiquaver (32nd note) should be F sharp (not G sharp) [amended in the second impression (third impression Extended Edition)]
  • Page 34 – Andaluza (Granados) the metronome mark should be dotted crotchet = 50

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 2

  • Page 8 (Extended Edition) - Hornpipe (Purcell) - there should be a forward repeat at the start of the first full bar. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 15 (Extended Edition) - Tale (Maykapar) –  on the audio recording in bars 2 and 6 the final quaver (B) is played incorrectly as an A. Note that the notation does have an A in bar 19. The printed notation is correct.

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 3

  • Page 7 (Standard Edition), 13 (Extended Edition) – Turkish March (Gurlitt) - Bars 12 & 28 LH final quaver should be an E. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 21 (Standard Edition), 31 (Extended Edition) - Angry Birds - bar 14 LH third quaver is correct (G & A♯) and is different to bar 12. This is the arranger's intention as it aims to capture the original version. 
  • Page 32 (Standard Edition), 48 (Extended Edition) - Exercise 3c (Perfect Pirouettes) - unnecessary accidentals removed from bar 1. [amended in the second impression, Std Edition, third impression Ext Edition]
  • Page 50 (Extended Edition) - the C minor arpeggios were missing. [amended in the second impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 4

  • Page 40 (Standard Edition), 64 (Extended Edition) – Exercise 2d (Against the Flow) – bar 2 RH the A should be staccato, as in other bars. [amended in 2nd impression – Std, 3rd impression Ext]

  • Page 41 (Standard Edition), 65 (Extended Edition) – Exercise 3c (Stately Cascade) – both mordents should be lower mordents. [amended in 2nd impression Std, 3rd impression Ext]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 5

  • Page 12 (Standard Edition), 28 (Extended Edition) – Grisaille (Greyness) – bar 55 the final pedal marking should start in bar 56. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 16 (Extended Edition) – Fantasia in D minor (Handel) – bar 16 LH, the E should be a C♯. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 23 (Standard Edition), 47 (Extended Edition) – Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh (Shankar-Jaikishan (2) arr. Misri) – bar 18 RH, the rhythm of the last two notes on the audio recording is swapped around - the printed version is correct.
  • Page 34 (Extended Edition) – Scherzino (Scharwenka) - bar 61 RH, the final note should be an F♯, not an E. [amended in the third impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 6

  • Page 18 (Standard Edition), 36 (Extended Edition) - Snowfall (Sainio) - bar 29: the printed notation is correct. There are errors in the demonstration audio in beats 3 and 4.
  • Page 29 (Extended Edition) - I Giorni (Einaudi)
    • bar 64: in the audio recording, beat 4, the final quaver of the bar is played incorrectly. The printed score is correct. 
    • bar 93: the direction should be 'allarg.' instead of 'accel.' [amended in the third impression]
  • Page 30 (Standard Edition), 48 (Extended Edition) - Victor’s Piano Solo (Elfman) - bar 12: the crotchet on the 2nd beat of the RH should be an E, not an F♯. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 41 (Standard Edition), 69 (Extended Edition) - My Funny Valentine (Rodgers & Hart)
    • bar 26: the third note in the LH should be a B♭ as the lowest note (rather than a B♮) [amended in the second (std)/third (ext) impression]
    • bars 25 & 49: RH beat 1, the A should be an A [amended in the second (std)/third (ext) impression]

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 7

  • Page 14 (Extended Edition) – Fughetta – bar 82 the slur in the RH has been removed. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 16 (Extended Edition) – Andante (2nd movt from Sonata in E) (Haydn) – bar 2 the penultimate RH note should be a G, not F♯ (as in bar 47). [amended in the second impression]
  • Pages 39-44 (Extended Edition) Navajo Vocable for Piano no. 1 (Chee) – the high A♭s should be Cs in bars 5, 6, 23, 24, 41, 42 and 53. The audio is also incorrect. [amended in 3rd impression]
  • Page 65 (Extended Edition) - Fallen Soldier - bar 37, the G♭s should be G♮s. [amended in the third impression]
  • Pages 41-42 (Standard Edition), 75-76 (Extended Edition) – No Surprises (Yorke/Selway/O’Brien/Greenwood/Greenwood arr. Cohen):
    • Bar 3 LH the B♭ should be an A. [amended in the 2nd impression]
    • Bar 9 ‘meno mosso’ has been removed. [amended in the 2nd impression]
  • Page 53 (Standard Edition), 91 (Extended Edition) – Spain – bar 9 the final F in the LH should be an F♯. [amended in the second impression]
  • Pages 85 & 88 (Extended Edition) – Long Drive in the Rain (Tebbs) – audio errors in bar 8 beat 2 RH, bar 9 beat 2 RH, bar 54 beat 2 RH, and bar 55 beat 2 RH. [printed copy is correct in all cases]
  • Page 66 (Standard Edition), 104 (Extended Edition) - 3c. Insistent - the rhythm of the audio recording in bars 10 & 11 is incorrect. The written notation is correct. 

Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 8

  • Page 12 (Extended Edition) – Sonata in F minor, K 19 – bar 40 the A♮ in the right hand should be an A♭ (as in bar 42). [amended in the third impression]
  • Page 17 (Standard Edition), 35 (Extended Edition) – Scherzo (Schubert) – bar 72 RH, the 6th note should be an E (not an F) and bar 78, a semiquaver rest has been omitted from the end of the bar. [amended in Standard Edition second impression, Extended Edition third impression]
  • Page 19 (Extended Edition) – Allegro con brio, Hob XVI:27 (Haydn):
    • Bar 20 RH, the D should be tied to the D in bar 21. [amended in the third impression]
    • Bar 43, the turn should have a ♯ sign underneath, as in bar 48. [amended in the third impression]
    • Bar 98, beat 2 should be a G♯ (as in bar 99). [amended in the third impression]
  • Page 40 (Extended Edition) – Clair de lune – bar 30 the 6th semiquaver in the LH should be an E♭, not a D♭. [amended in the second impression]
  • Pages 46-47 (Standard Edition), 80-81 (Extended Edition) - The Heart Asks Pleasure First (Nyman):
    • Bar 13 LH, the 17th semiquaver should be a G not an F. [amended in the second impression]
    • Bar 14 LH, the 11th & 12th semiquavers should be G and C (as 8th & 9th semiquavers). [amended in the second impression]
  • Pages 51-54 (Standard Edition), 103-106 (Extended Edition) - Hoe-down (Colley):
    • Bar 15 LH, the quaver D should be tied to the following D semiquaver. [amended in the second impression]
    • Bar 23 RH, all Gs should be G♮ (all LH Gs remain ♯). Bar 23 LH the fourth semiquaver should be G♯ with a D♮ above it (not B). [amended in the second impression]
    • Bar 50, 8va sign should begin in bar 51. [amended in the second impression]
  • Page 58 (Extended Edition) – Chameleon (Butler) – audio error bar 5 halfway through the RH octave B naturals are played with the preceding LH chord but should come after. [printed copy is correct]
  • Page 60 (Standard Edition), 112 (Extended Edition) – Vignette (Edis) – bars 67-68, on the recording these are played as straight quavers – the score is correct and these should be played as swung quavers. [amended in the second impression]

* The Piano Pieces Plus Exercises from 2021 books were previously titled Piano Pieces Plus Exercises 2021-2023. They are being changed at reprint to 'from 2021' to reflect the continued validity of the repertoire for use in exams. For further information see our Piano Syllabus Page

[Piano section last updated 11 February 2025]


A Recital Anthology

  • Page 9, ‘Consolati e spera!’ – bar 89, the vocal note should be B flat (high edition) and G (low edition)

Grade 3 Singing Exam Pieces 2018-2021

  • ‘Cool Cat’, audio – on the recording, the second G sharp in bar 8 (page 37) is incorrectly played as a G natural (the first time and on both repeats). The score is correct.

Grade 6 Singing (Low Voice) Exam Pieces 2018-2021

  • Page 32-34, ‘Summer’ Bar 14, voice first note should be an A (minor third lower). Bar 32, piano LH first two notes should be B & F sharp (minor third lower). Bar 49, voice second note should be a C (tone lower). 
    [amended in second impression]

Grade 6 Singing (High Voice) Exam Pieces 2018-2021

  • Page 32-34, ‘Summer’ Bar 14, voice first note should be a C (minor third lower). Bar 32, piano LH first two notes should be D & A (minor third lower). Bar 49, voice second note should be an E flat (tone lower). 
    [amended in second impression]

Vocal Exercises Initial-Grade 8

  • Page 22 - Homeward Bound (Grade 7 High Voice) -  Key signature should be one sharp. Bar 10 should be an A minor chord throughout and third vocal note of bar 10 should be a C♮.
  • Page 31 - Homeward Bound (Grade 7 Low Voice) - Key signature should be two sharps. Bar 10 should be an E minor chord throughout and third vocal note of bar 10 should be a G.

[Singing section last updated 23 October 2024]


Theory of Music Workbook Grade 1

  • Page iv, final paragraph should read 'Andante, allegro, moderato, repeat marks, ritardando (and signs and abbreviations for these where appropriate)'.
  • Page 41, in the last box – 'ritardando (rit.) – getting slower'.

Theory of Music Workbook Grade 4

  • Page 40, 'Subdominant chord in the key of G minor' – the top note on the bass stave of these two chords should be G (top space of the stave), not middle C.

Theory of Music Workbook Grade 7

  • Page 76, ‘Treble recorder – sounds an octave lower’ – incorrect as it sounds as written. [amended in 5th impression (2015) onwards]

Theory of Music Workbook Grade 8

  • Page 26, worked example in B minor should end with Roman numeral 'i' (not 'I') as the chord is minor. [amended in the seventh impression]
  • Page 12, the final sentence has been altered to ‘Here is a 16-bar melody for cello written using a tone row and its retrograde:’
    [amended in the seventh impression]

  • Page 71, a shaded box with the transposing interval should be added for Xylophone: ‘sounds an octave higher’

Aural Tests Book 2, from 2017

  • Audio error – CD 1, Track 6. Test 6, Question 4 (changes in pitch or rhythm) [page 13 test book, page 6 of answer book] – the audio incorrectly has two semiquavers played in bar 3, second quaver RH, rather than a quaver. [this has been updated for new versions of the book which use downloaded audio]

[Theory & Musicianship section last updated 25 March 2024]


Clarinet Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises Grades 1-8 from 2015

  • Grade 5 – page 26, E major arpeggio – start on the lower E note to match the E major scale. [amended in the third impression, April 2017]

Oboe Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises Grades 1-8 from 2015

  • Grade 6 – page 28, diminished 7th starting on B flat – all F double-flats should be replaced with F flats.

Saxophone Scales, Arpeggios & Exercises Grades 1-8 from 2015

  • Grade 8 – page 50, F sharp major arpeggio with a lowered 7th should be marked with an asterisk to denote that it is relevant to the Jazz Saxophone syllabus.
  • Grade 8 – page 51, Mixolydian scale on B flat should not have a flat sign before the high C on the second system.
  • Grade 8 – page 52, B flat jazz melodic minor scale – final octave descending should have a G natural and no B natural.

Grade 6 Clarinet Exam Pieces from 2023

  • Clarinet part – Waltz, page 33, bar 31: the final note of this bar should be an F sharp, not an F natural. [updated in second impression]

Grade 5 Flute Exam Pieces from 2023

  • Flute part page 12, score pages 15-17 - Romanze (2nd movt from Sonatine, op. 388 no. 3): all grade notes should be acciaccaturas. [amended in the 2nd impression]

Grade 7 Flute Exam Pieces from 2023

  • Page 33 of the flute part - Largo and Spirituoso. Bar 1, the 5th note should be an E, the 7th note should be an F#. [corrected in Second impression.]

Flute and Clarinet Exam Pieces from 2023 Initial-Grade 8 Publications

  • The audio for all grades (Initial-Grade 8) has been increased in volume to make it easier to use. The downloadable audio has been replaced.

Mosaics Flute book 1

  • Page 18 – Jig-Jag – tempo marking should be dotted crotchet = 108. [amended in the fourth impression]

Mosaics Sax book 2

  • Pages 54-55 – no. 38 Hectic Beatnik – all grace notes should be acciaccaturas. [Corrected in the fifth impression.]

Recorder Anthology 3 (Grades 4 & 5)

  • Page 21 (recorder part) – Paul Clark A Study – bar 11 semiquavers should read E flat, D (not D flat, C). The following quaver then becomes an E flat.
  • page 7 (recorder part) – Loeillet de Gant Largo – the realisation of the continuo is by Maria Boxall [updated in the 5th impression]

Woodwind Syllabus from 2022 errata


  • Grade 1 – F and G major arpeggios are required (not A and G major)

[Woodwind section last updated 09 January 2025]

Jazz Woodwind Syllabus from 2022 errata

[Jazz Woodwind section last updated 28 February 2024]

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