Connie Pollock

Arts AwardCreativitySilver 14 Feb 2023

Name: Connie Pollock
Exam taken: Silver Arts Award
Category nominated under: Creativity
Nominated by: Shara Parry, Teacher

Connie's scrapbook for Unit 1 of her Silver Arts Award was a joy to behold. Even our visiting moderator, Janette Bushell, was blown away by the ingenuity and passion with which Connie had recorded every aspect of her Arts Award journey.

Connie had embraced every artistic opportunity that had come her way, particularly relishing the post-lockdown gallery visits that were now possible. Her scrapbook was full of photos and mementos of visits and sources of inspiration but also full of her own immediate creative responses to her arts experiences. A particularly note-worthy entry in her scrapbook is her manipulation of her train tickets on her return journey from London to experiment with techniques in response to what she had seen!

Connie's scrapbook belied her years; she took Silver Arts Award in Year 9. It is the kind of portfolio that a prospective college student might proudly take to interview. For Connie to have produced this for her Silver Arts Award demonstrates a creativity and commitment that exceeds expectations but utterly reflects her own passion and enthusiasm for her art.

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