Josh Manning

BassPersonal DevelopmentRock & Pop 15 Feb 2023

Name: Josh Manning
Exam taken: Rock & Pop Drum, Grade 3
Category nominated under: Personal Development
Nominated by: Naomi Manning, Mother

Josh started playing the bass guitar 2 years ago. He had previously played the violin and clarinet but was looking for an instrument he could use to play the kind of music he enjoyed listening to. He has lessons with a local teacher and has recently started playing in a band.

Josh has always had an interest in music and started by learning to play the recorder at infant school. He has then played a number of different instruments before finding the instrument that inspired his passion. The variety of instruments has helped Josh to have a wider appreciation of different sounds and abilities along with a good comprehension of written music. It has shown him the importance of being able to play many different styles and given him the ability to take more musical opportunities when they arise.

Josh considers the bass guitar to be his main instrument but likes to still explore other areas of music too as this helps to build his musical skills and abilities. He also plays the vibraphone with a marching band and received an award for being ‘Frontline Member of the Year 2022’ owing to his commitment to learning the music swiftly and performing to the best of his ability. Playing in this environment has taught his to listen to the other members of the band and the skill of keeping a consistent time which is also a valuable skill for a bass player.

The contemporary band that Josh started playing with in September has increased his confidence with his instrument as well as broadening his skill base and introducing him to different genres of music. The enthusiasm with which he practises and his diligence to ensuring he is able to make a valuable contribution to the band is a credit to him. The added confidence and experience this has given him has had a great impact on his playing and the eagerness with which he practises.

In school, Josh is studying music for a BTec level and is excelling with the ability to compose and produce music – a skill which gives him an added perception of the complexities of modern music and how these can be used to create incredible compositions. He uses these skills to enhance his playing and understanding of the way music is written and how this can be translated to create the best performance.

Josh works best by having a goal to work towards and the Trinity Rock and Pop awards give him this. He thrives on the sense of achievement gained by accomplishing high marks and this inspires him to work hard and maximise his talent. He is keen to progress and, thanks to the motivation and drive provided by the Trinity exams, he is intending to take his Grade 4 exam only 3 months after gaining a distinction for Grade 3.

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