Felix Stevens

DrumsPersonal DevelopmentRock & Pop 28 Feb 2023

Name: Felix Stevens
Exam taken: Rock & Pop Drums, Grade 5
Category nominated under: Personal Development
Nominated by: Christel S Stevens, Parent

Felix is 10 year old drummer working towards his Grade 7 this term, currently in Year 5 at school, and a young carer to his older brother, Tristan, who has SEND.

Felix began drum lessons in February 2020 at a local music center at the age of 7, though due to lockdown in March 2020, his lessons almost immediately went online. Using an electric drum kit he got for Christmas, he practiced nearly everyday, sometimes several times in the day, as it was a way of escaping everything going on around him. He just put on his headphones and he was in another world which he could control.

In March 2021, about a year after starting the drums he passed his Grade 3 Drum Kit Trinity Music exam with Merit, with an online entry filmed at home at the age of 8. Since this exam, Felix's confidence has greatly increased, and the drums also provided a place for him to deal with his emotional frustrations as his world was affected with further COVID-19 lockdowns. One year later, Felix's perseverance led to passing his Trinity Rock and Pop Grade 5 with merit with another online entry at the age of 9.

Felix is now preparing to take his Grade 7 Rock and Pop in March 2023 at the age of 10, and hopes to be able to join jazz and rock ensembles when he reaches Secondary School, alongside his brother Tristan who plays electric guitar. Felix's drum teacher Dan has been amazing throughout the process, incredibly patient through good days and bad for Felix, and his reliability, flexibility, and constant support to him throughout the pandemic and months beyond has been phenomenal.

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