Huxley Korvin

AchievementDrumsRock & Pop 1 Feb 2023

Name: Huxley Korvin
Exam taken: Rock & Pop Drums, Grade 3
Category nominated under: Achievement
Nominated by: Karen Korvin, Mother

Huxley's achievement in his grade 3 exam was simply outstanding. The dedication and commitment he showed while preparing for his exam with daily practice was exceptional but truly rewarded when he received full marks for each of his chosen songs in the exam.

His previous exam (grade 2) had been cancelled in April 2020 due to Covid and his lessons were then remote for over a year but he never gave up, practicing daily but desperate to play alongside other people again.

When face to face lessons finally resumed Huxley was able to move onto Grade 3 as he had improved so much with his lock-down practicing and dedication. Less than a year later he was able to sit his Grade 3 exam and obtained a very strong distinction and 97%.

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