Alexander Johnston

AchievementClassical & JazzRecorder

Name: Alexander Johnson
Exam taken: Recorder, Grade 8
Category nominated under: Achievement – outstanding or high achievement in their qualification results
Nominated by: Anne Martin, Teacher

I find it difficult to select which category to enter Sandy for, as it could be any one of the four. He is one of the most committed and hard working students I have taught in the last 40 years. He is also partially hearing, being completely deaf in one ear. Sandy has found his way through to achieve high marks in his Grade exams, the last being 93% for Grade 8. He achieved full marks for his unaccompanied piece, the examiner writing 'This was a musically intelligent and carefully considered redition. There were personal insights and interpretations evident. As it developed it gained interest and character.' Of his sight reading, for which he also received full marks, the examiner wrote 'This was musical playing of the highest order'.

He has been a delight to teach and thoroughly deserves recognition for his achievements.

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Alexander Johnston

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