Name: Georgina Ferguson
Exam taken: Classical & Jazz Piano, Grade 6
Category nominated under: Overcoming challenges - qualification success despite difficult circumstances or barriers to access
Nominated by: Suzanne Munro, Teacher
Georgina gained her Grade 6, with a Merit, (having already passed Grades 1, 3 and 5), whilst suffering with the debilitating and rare condition (affecting just one child per million) of Myasthenia gravis. She began piano lessons at the age of 9, also playing the flute, but suddenly and dramatically found she could no longer play the flute due to no supporting embouchure. This was the first and tragic symptom for her. It was through this, and subsequently many, many months of tests, she was found to have Myasthenia gravis. She still managed to play in our end of term concert, even after her diagnosis. She was forced to give up lessons a few weeks before lockdown, aged 13, to protect her, then continued to come to lessons (online). She was so vulnerable, her shielding continued until September 2021, meaning she missed an entire school academic year. In May 2021 she had to stop piano lessons (online lessons) for a term, due to major surgery where she had to have lungs collapsed, and her whole teenage years have been spent with trips / tests and stays in Great Ormond Street and John Radcliffe hospitals. In spite of this, she still kept up her practice, finally gaining her Grade 6. All through this, her practice was always consistent, and of excellent quality, again, in spite of her condition causing extreme fatigue, and being on steroids and other strong medications for all of her teenage years. She never once complained, or said she was too tired.
She has given me, and her family, so much pleasure from her piano playing. I am so proud of Georgina!
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