Name: Kinisha Kalaichelvan
Exam taken: Classical and Jazz, Electronic Keyboard, Grade 3
Category nominated under: Personal development - personal learning or skills development via their exam/qualification
Nominated by: Motcharani Kalaichelvan, Parent
At the age of 12, Kinisha has shown exceptional dedication and talent in playing the electronic keyboard, having pursued her passion for the past 6 years. Kinisha's dedication and passion is evidenced by her enthusiasm for practicing, which she does unfailingly and without ever seeming to get tired.
Kinisha is always pushing herself to achieve more. Her journey towards excellence continued when she began studying for her Trinity Grade 3 exam in January 2023. She took the exam on November 14th 2023 and achieved a score of 88 out of 100. This score is a testament to Kinisha 's hard work, perseverance and innate musical talent. I am extremely proud of everything that Kinisha has achieved to date and look forward to seeing what else she will do in the future.
What Kinisha says about her exam experience:
I love to play the keyboard and I always practise every chance I get. My keyboard teacher teaches very good and helps me if I struggle in anything hard in keyboard. He is a very good teacher. I love music and I will do anything to succeed in life with my passion for music.
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