Robin Griffiths

Arts AwardBronzePersonal Development 25 Nov 2024

Name: Robin Griffiths
Exam taken: Arts Award Bronze 
Category nominated under: Personal development - personal learning or skills development via their exam/qualification
Nominated by: Kate Mylne, Adviser

When we first met, I knew Robin* had an interest in art. They had previously enjoyed painting from an early age with their late mother who was an artist. Over the past academic year, I delivered their art lessons a few times a week in their home.

On my first visit, as with all of my new students, I gave them a sketchbook. I emphasised that this could be used as a working document and it’s not about perfection. In each session, we explored different art activities. After a month or so, they became disengaged with the art sessions and became harder to reach. This was until their grandmother mentioned the sewing machine that the student's late mother had bought them. I asked if they would like to learn how to sew and was given a very positive nod.

This was their first experience of using the sewing machine. We threaded the machine and I quickly noticed their impressive sewing skills. In the following weeks they made a fabric pot, which snowballed into tote bags and simple pattern cutting. During one session they showed me their sketchbook, unbeknown to me, the student had been using it and pointed to a small design of an upcycled denim dress they wanted to make.

Each session, I could see their confidence growing with their sewing, and I took the opportunity to further harness their engagement and introduce other parts of Bronze Award. Bronze Arts Award was a fantastic opportunity; it provided a creative outlet that fostered engagement, confidence and personal growth. It was wonderful to see the student discover an interest in the arts, and this journey clearly demonstrated the profound impact that teaching the arts can have on young lives.

*not candidates real name.

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