Fran McClure

Classical & JazzOvercoming challengesPiano 15 Jan 2024
Name: Fran McClure
Exam taken: Piano, Grade 1
Category nominated under: Overcoming challenges- qualification success despite difficult circumstances or barriers to access
Nominated by: Fionnuala McClure, Parent

Fran was diagnosed with autism when she was three years old. She had a significant speech and language delay, processing delay and a global development delay. She has developed and improved greatly in the past two years but still has slower than average speed of processing and struggles with some aspects of learning. She can find it difficult to focus. However, despite finding learning difficult Fran works incredibly hard to overcome challenges. Fran loves music and with it has found something she can access and enjoy! She practices regularly and will keep trying until she gets it right - even if it takes days or weeks to perfect. Obtaining a distinction in her Grade 1 Piano gave her a huge confidence boost and taught her that if you work at something, you can achieve! I am so proud of the effort and dedication Fran has put into her music.

Fran can find it difficult to form strong friendships due to her speech and language delay, however she has formed great friendships through Music, particularly at the Junior Academy of Music at Queen's University Belfast where she takes her piano and musicianship lessons. Music has boosted her confidence, given her a sense of purpose and achievement and is a wonderful outlet for her. She is looking forward to starting her Grade 2 pieces and I have no doubt she will pour everything in to achieving a great score again.

What Fran says about her exam experience:

It felt really amazing when I found out I got a distinction in Grade 1 piano. I worked hard and was glad when I got a great result. I can't wait to hang my certificate on my wall.


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