Iona May Campbell

AchievementClassical & JazzFlute 16 Jan 2024

Name: Iona May Campbell
Exam taken: Flute, Grade 5
Category nominated under: Achievement- oustanding or high achievement in their qualification results
Nominated by: Linda Hardwick, Teacher

Iona began learning flute in Year 3, aged 7. She developed a secure embouchure and she worked hard at breathing right from the start. Iona also learnt to read music and rhythm as her playing progressed. Iona has always practised regularly and she has taken all of the previous Grades with TCL. In addition, Iona has willingly entered for the Worcester Competitive Arts Festival which is held annually in March. She has won classes for solo and duet playing and, in 2023, she was also awarded the Severn Arts Trophy for achievement, which she received at the winners' concert.

Iona is now in Year 8 and at the and at the age of 12, she has developed a confident yet unshowy style, playing with feeling and sensitivity. Iona had a brace fitted to her top teeth in October, but this did not deter her from entering the exam and she continued to work consistently and with quiet enthusiasm. The maturity and quality of Iona's playing belies her young years and this was commented upon by the examiner.

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